filthy CS student. /home /journey /projects /about

Currently attending a computer science degree program in Pisa (Senior year).

"first-name": "Flavio",
"last-name": "Romano", 
"age": 20,
"email": eval("flavio.romano92"+"@"+""),
"studying": True, 
"sleeping": False

[Dec. 28 2022]
I got a cold before Xmas and now I feel a bit deezy. Many other things got my mind down, but that's life, I hope to get mentally better soon. I wish happy holidays to all and keep it up.

[Nov. 21 2022]
Unfortunately, due to my very little free time caused by college, I don't currently have enough energy to focus on projects outside the degree program. I am hungry for knowledge but putting the notions I learn into practice requires time.