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Programming languages

I quite enjoy programming in C and Python, in my spare time I have learned enough Golang and have taken college courses on C, OCaml, Java and JavaScript (also TypeScript). The latter two are not really my favorites, I'm not a very OOP guy, but I'll definitely cherish them someday.

  1. BigFarm. The final project of the C course I took in 2021. It's a client-server application with a multithreaded farm, this was my first approach to sockets.
  2. Wordle Client-Server. My java networking lab final project, is a client-server graphical cli application on which you can play the famous game Wordle. To play you have to register and log in, the server manages a database of users (that persistently maintains users' data) in the form of Json and also a small social network where you can post your games, allowing users to share their results.
  3. Pomodoro Timer. Small and awkward project I wrote during my first year of CS, I barely knew how to write "Hello world" in python and what an API was. Nevertheless, I wanted to get my hands on something and this project open my mind a lot.
  4. GoSimplex. Written while in Operations Research class the professor was explaining the Simplex Algorithm. At that time I was learning Golang on my own, so I decided to try to implement it with a Numpy-like library. It sucks but as an exercise it wasn't bad, especially reading various documentation of things completely new to me.
  5. Who knows :-)